Neck contouring can dramatically improve your appearance without making any other changes to the face. The most common neck contouring procedures are neck liposuction and a neck lift. These can be performed alone or combined with other facial cosmetic surgery procedures to enhance anti-aging results and restore balance to facial features.
Improving the appearance of your neck requires a surgeon who understands the importance of harmony between the face and neck. As a board-certified facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Mark Karolak has helped patients of all ages achieve the naturally beautiful neckline they desire through neck contouring surgery.
Who Can Benefit?
Patients who are bothered by loose, sagging skin on their neck would benefit most from a neck lift. A neck lift can improve the appearance of bothersome neckbands (vertical “cords” in the middle of the neck) by tightening loose neck muscles. The surgery also reduces the dreaded “turkey neck” by removing excess skin, leaving you with a slimmer profile.
Alternatively, patients who are at a healthy weight, but can’t seem to shake their “double chin” are best suited for neck liposuction. Liposuction of the neck focuses on removing excess fat but does not address sagging skin. As a result, patients in their 20s through the early 40s will have the skin elasticity necessary to contract smoothly after liposuction to achieve a more defined jawline.
How Does It Work?
A neck lift procedure involves a small incision behind each ear. In some cases, a third incision under the chin is required. Neck muscles and underlying tissues are tightened and any excess sagging skin is removed through these incisions.
In liposuction of the neck, a small tube is inserted through incisions either behind the ears or beneath the chin. Excess fat is then removed, leaving a sculpted, more contoured chin and neck.
What Is Recovery Like?
Recovery from either procedure is generally straightforward but will depend on the individual. Dr. Karolak helps facilitate an easier initial recovery by using local anesthetic for all procedures.
Following a neck lift, patients can expect their neck to feel tight for a few months. Bruising and swelling are also normal and should subside after a couple of weeks. Typically patients can return to work and resume daily activities in one to two weeks.
Bruising and swelling following neck liposuction should resolve within two weeks. Most patients feel comfortable returning to work after one week and resuming normal activities after two weeks. Full recovery can take up to 8 to 12 weeks.
What Results Can I Expect?
Even with swelling and bruising, you’ll notice an immediate initial improvement to your neck contours. An optimal outcome can be expected in two to three months. With either procedure, results are long-lasting as long as you maintain a stable weight. Though aging will continue naturally, your neck will look younger than if you didn’t have the procedure.
Take the Next Step
Would you like to learn more about Neck Lifts or Neck Liposuction? Schedule a consultation with board-certified surgeon Dr. Karolak by calling Karolak Facial Plastic Surgeon at (732) 955-9500, or simply fill out the form on this page. Karolak Facial Plastic Surgeon is located in Wall Township, NJ, along the Jersey Shore in Monmouth County, and treats patients from all over the U.S. and the world. We look forward to working with you!
*Individual results may vary