A facelift is a unique surgical procedure that’s able to restore a more youthful appearance for many men and women. However, it’s important to remember no two surgeries are identical and require different lengths of recovery. At Karolak Facial Plastic Surgeon, board-certified surgeon Dr. Karolak provides upfront information to help you determine which procedures (if any) are right for you.

Each procedure performed at Karolak Facial Plastic Surgeon is done under a local anesthetic to keep you comfortable. This allows for minimal risks compared to general anesthesia as well as letting you get back to your normal routine as quickly as possible. While Dr. Karolak does everything in his power to promote faster healing times, there are several things you can do before and after your surgery to get the best results.

Facelift Before & After Wall Township

*Individuals Results May Vary

#1: Adjust Your Routines

Although recovery from facelift procedures are quicker than ever these days, there are certain things you simply won’t be able to do right away. You’ll want to ensure you have adequate childcare, pet care, and enough time off of work to recover at home. You should also have someone available to pick you up from your surgery and provide help with minor tasks like cooking and cleaning in the first few days.

#2: Prepare a Facelift Recovery Space

You want a safe, comfortable space to heal especially during the initial recovery process. Set up an area that’s filled with everything you’ll need to rest and relax. From cozy pillows to water to entertainment and any prescription medications you’ll need should all be at arms reach. Having a good setup before your surgery allows you to transition nicely when you arrive home.

#3: Kick the Bad Habits Before Your Facelift Surgery

If you’re considering facelift surgery, you should stop smoking immediately. Other bad habits worth breaking are over-consuming alcohol and any illicit drug use. Drugs and alcohol can thin the blood and weaken your immune system both before and after surgery. Smoking should be avoided for a minimum of 2-weeks prior to surgery and through the entire recovery process.

Facelift Consultations Available

#4: Start More Healthy Habits

Before considering cosmetic surgery, you should ideally be in your best health possible. A strong immune system facilitates a smoother recovery without complications. Aside from getting plenty of rest, and drinking lots of water, Dr. Karolak may suggest enlisting certain foods or supplements to optimize your health before surgery.

#5: Don’t Push Yourself Too Soon Following Your Facelift

While you might feel like jumping out of bed in a day or two as the initial pain and swelling start to subside, it’s not necessarily a good idea. Give yourself enough time to adequately heal before getting into strenuous activities that may prolong the healing process. Not only can pushing yourself too hard lengthen your overall recovery, but it can also put you at risk for more visible scarring.

Following Dr. Karolak’s post-operative recovery plan is essential to a speedy recovery. He’ll work with you and customize a plan that will best suit your individual procedure and lifestyle at the time of your consultation.

“I got tired of viewing my jowls and loose neck. I asked my plastic surgeon what options were available. He recommended the lower face and neck lift. I had so much confidence in my surgeon since he was amazing with fillers. He is so kind and a true artist with his work. I look like a refreshed version of myself. I wasn’t one bit nervous. He explained the entire procedure to me. He is the best and I would highly recommend him.”


Take the Next Step

Would you like to learn more about facelift procedures? Schedule an in-person consultation with board-certified surgeon Dr. Karolak by calling Karolak Facial Plastic Surgeon at (732) 955-9500, or simply fill out the form on this page. Karolak Facial Plastic Surgeon is located in Wall Township, NJ, along the Jersey Shore in Monmouth County, but treats patients from all over the U.S. and the world. We look forward to working with you!

*Individual results may vary